Four Years of Impact: And More to Come


Since 2020 Idaho Partners for Good has strived to strengthen and equip Idaho nonprofits so they are able to serve their communities more effectively. We've granted over $76,500 in unrestricted funds and provided more than $75,000 in pro bono capacity-building services through our team of expert capacity builders. By fostering an engaged philanthropy approach, we help Idahoans make great charitable investments. We monitor shifts in giving behavior and assist other funders in integrating capacity building into their grant-making processes. What really differentiates us is we co-design solutions with our grantees to help them develop stronger infrastructure, achieve sustainable funding, and enhance their ability to operate effectively. The tools weʻve developed measure the effectiveness of our improvements with the grantees.

We continue disrupting the status quo in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors by piloting groundbreaking initiatives like the Transformational Leadership Cohort (TLC). Designed for nonprofit leadership teams eager to enhance personal and professional competencies, the TLC addresses long-standing organizational practices that hinder service to their constituents and the community. This innovative approach makes high-quality leadership development accessible to Idaho's nonprofits, which often face financial barriers to such resources. The success of the TLC pilot underscores its potential to transform nonprofit leadership across the region. We are almost ready to open up the pipeline for the next cohort of leadership teams to apply—watch for the announcement!

Our commitment to innovative solutioning and capacity building helps Idaho nonprofits overcome their toughest challenges so they have more impact on the entire community. After four years of impact, we are reflecting on our methods, refining our work and targeting our efforts. We believe in creating an environment for many to share their expertise. Collective wisdom and impact, and uniting experts for the greater good, is the core of our success. 

Challenges and Overcoming Them

Over the past four years, our greatest challenges have often transformed into our greatest opportunities, pushing us to innovate with open hearts and minds. Convincing people to move away from "this is the way we've always done things" is a tough sell but necessary for real lasting progress. Like all disruptors, we face the challenge of creating demand for solutions that will take them to a new level. While the need is a no-brainer (yes it exists in all nonprofits), generating demand is essential to getting us over the tipping point. Additionally, overcoming resistance from those who view our approach as competition rather than collaboration has been crucial to move toward a more cooperative, sector-wide uplift.

To overcome these challenges, we educate people to help them explore what is possible. The Strategic Charitable Giving framework we developed addresses the root cause of resistance by encouraging people to examine their biases and give based on this framework. Although the results are still anecdotal, we have testimonials from companies such as Power Engineers, Lost Grove Brewing, Integra Resources, State Insurance Fund, and SLHS, attesting to the workshop's power.

Thereʻs no denying the great need for operational support for nonprofits.  We are working to turn the tide by increasing our presence by using data coupled with personal testimonials and stories. Disruption is challenging, but necessary because the nonprofit sector needs donors to give differently. And, donors need nonprofits to focus on running strong and healthy organizations to feel satisfied with their investments. While we may not change everyone's mind about our value, we continue to reach out, invite collaboration, and document our impact. A tipping point is on the near horizon.


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