Put on your O2 Mask First

I decided to put together a webinar because of the chaos, anxiety and instability in our world--especially in the world of Idaho nonprofits. I care deeply about this sector; I'm part of the DNA of the nonprofit world (since the time I was 8 or 9 y.o). I know this sector deeply and it's hurting. So, where is the leverage to make a difference? With leaders. They need stability, inspiration, and support to help them navigate toward a new horizon and future. In the Hawai'ian culture we use the metaphor of the hui wa'a--voyaging canoe. You have to understand the stars, the currents, the wave patterns, birds, to be able to navigate successfully. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 storm still rages and everyone is hanging on trying not to get huli (tossed) over the side.

Is there a steady, confident navigator who digs deep into the collective wisdom of the kupuna (elders/board/history) and their own experience for guidance, while trusting the crew to execute the plan with skill and persistence? Many leaders (navigators) need some shoring up. They need to put their oxygen mask on first before helping others. I know I do. I have forced myself to take some time to reflect on what's happening inside me and around me. And, I have a great support system. But, many don't. So, my way of helping is to get my priorities straight, first so I can then help others. I developed a handout to work through. If you want it just email: info@IdahoPartners4Good.org and I'll send it.

I pay tribute to my grandfather, Noah Kalama who was the youngest of 26 children. He was a prominent surfer and brought the hui wa'a to the mainland (Newport Beach, CA). He started the first club in the USA outside Hawai'i. Pictured below are some of Noah Kalama's great-great grandchildren (Hilo, HI)


Tribes That Care


The Power of a Story