May Crew Meetup: What You Missed!

We had a great meetup with the crew to connect, learn and engage at Split Rail Winery on May 23.  (Thanks Jed Glavin!) It was two days after our annual Board retreat so we were primed to connect. It was a beautiful setting with twenty-four of the best people around! In attendance were our capacity-builders, consultants, donors, board members, clients and even a few of the more than 30 nonprofit leaders we've helped, so far. 

Hereʻs the update if you missed it! 

We've refined and outlined our five main products at Idaho Partners for Good for clearer understanding (see below). We are excited to continue helping outstanding individuals and nonprofits overcome their most difficult challenges, empowering them to better serve our neighbors and the community. Weʻve granted more than $76,500 coupled with pro bono capacity building services of over $75,000.  Our strategy for 2024 is simple: talk about the benefits of our 5 product lines that have strengthened and/or better equipped over thirty nonprofits, so far. 

  1. Nonprofit Success Lab: (Nonprofit Entry level) Designed for directors who serve on NPO boards and their leaders. We have the best NPO experts facilitating, bringing practical tools and resources to take back and use immediately.  

  2. Transformational Leadership Cohort (TLC): (Nonprofit Mid-level) NPO’s that want to go deeper and address personal and professional competencies can get their name on the waiting list for the Transformational Leadership Cohort. It's a 5-month commitment for a team of 3 leaders per org (board member, executive director, + emerging leader) who want to improve one key element every 30 days.  Based on the results of the 360 degree organizational assessment they take upfront, we then design the content. Then, they develop 30-day action plans that we resource, coach, and hold them accountable to. We have a waiting list of NPOʻs ready to go. 

  3. Three-year grantee model: (Nonprofit All-in level) We provide $15k per year for up to 3-years and couple it with pro bono consulting so they can truly take their operations to the next level. We start with the OCA so we know what their strengths and opportunities are. We then design 12-month action plans and deploy experts to help them accomplish their goals. Boise Bicycle Project was our first grantee. We now have Jesse Tree in their 2nd year.

  4. Strategic Charitable Giving 101: (Donors) To help donors give better we offer the Strategic Charitable Giving 101. Itʻs designed to be conducted with companies (eg. Lost Grove Brewing, Integra Resources, SLHS, SIF) or individually. It connects people to their giving values, helps them see how biases may be playing out in a negative way, and gives them a framework to help them give for more personal satisfaction and community benefit. 

  5. Consultation Services: (Clients) To help fund Idaho Partners for Good we have the consulting arm. This is a group of 20+ experts with global expertise who are deployed on our behalf. We help our clients fortify their strategic efforts, operations, and leadership development. This is where we're really picking up momentum. We need your help to open doors to clients, especially government agencies, foundations, and medium-to-large companies.            

One of our clients from the Sunrise Rotary Foundation was at the crew meetup. They contracted with us to help guide and support the transition and succession plans for a local nonprofit whoʻs leader has been at the helm for more than 50 years. Board member Maureen OʻToole said “What the IP4G team has been able to do in 8-months is nothing short of miraculous.”

Watch for the invite to our next crew meetup in July to celebrate our fourth anniversary. 

FAQ: How are you different from the Idaho Nonprofit Center? While we both work to support and strengthen Idahoʻs nonprofit sector we have a different mission, approach, strategy and  target market. Hereʻs one way to think of it. If you're trying to find the best higher education institution what do you look for?  


A Summer of Self-Care for the Nonprofit


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