Empowering Donors to Give Strategically

You might find it odd that we at Idaho Partners for Good have decided not to sign up for Idaho Gives, a campaign designed to raise funds for Idaho nonprofits. Our decision has been very intentional, especially since we just developed a new team to help us raise friends who fund.

We are not signed up for Idaho Give because we try not to compete for funds with those we come alongside (Jesse Tree, Boise Bicycle Project, Life’s Kitchen). We recognize that Idaho Gives is a great concept built on raising awareness about the powerful work being done in the nonprofit sector and raising much-needed funds. We’re excited to see the nonprofits we have worked with benefit from the momentum of Idaho Gives. We at Idaho Partners for Good are always seeking ways to educate donors so they give better so nonprofits get better. It’s a fundamental role of ours to help increase resources, improve processes and build an innovative culture across the state so nonprofits thrive.

Idaho Partners for Good is built on the premise that through education on giving and strengthening nonprofits' operational infrastructures, we can create a better way of supporting nonprofits. We encourage our crew to examine a few things before giving to any nonprofit, including Idaho Partners for Good. That’s why we built the workshop, Strategic Charitable Giving 101. We wanted to educate donors of all giving capacities. Strategic Charitable Giving helps transform the way people give and helps them invest for greater impact. Here’s a few of the basic elements:

  • Understand your motives. Why give? Really, ask yourself “why do I give’? Is it an expectation that you’ve grown up with? A demonstration of your faith? Is it to gain exposure for your company or a tax benefit? All of these are legit reasons. Start by reflecting and acknowledging what drives your giving because your motives drive your strategy, both intentionally & unintentionally.

  • Address your blindspots. We all have them! What are the biases & stereotypes that are part of how you navigate the world? Do you use wisdom and humility in the decisions you make that affect others? One of the most common blindspots in philanthropy is the power imbalance. The old adage plays out repeatedly in philanthropy and not in a good way, ‘whoever has the gold makes the rules’ (Johnny Hart).

  • Identify the challenge you want to solve with your investments. If you look at your historical giving pattern does it represent what you hope to solve for? If not, why do you give to that nonprofit?

Want to know more about the Strategic Charitable Giving 101 workshop? Email info@IdahoPartners4good.org.

If you have any burning questions about who we are, what we do, or our impact, join us for the next Coffee Chat to get answers.


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